Welcome back
After a long year, I’m pleased to have my website back on-line. The site was hijacked by an international gambling website, which was enormously frustrating because not only did the scammers cut off this vital connection to my readers, but their games offered terrible odds.
Unfortunately the hacking was so thorough that the website Paullinasimons.com had to be rebuilt from scratch. Plus the con and racket came during a time when I was in a deep dive on LIGHT AT LAVELLE, my latest novel of love and struggle that will publish in the United States this spring.
Of course, as soon as I finished Light at Lavelle, I plunged straight into my next novel (more on that soon). So, even though the website has been down for over a year, I have been busily preparing two books that I am very excited to share with all of you.
We’ve made a few improvements here and there, and one of my 2025 resolutions is to post semi-regularly on my BLOG section. There’s been a lot going on, and if you watch this space, I will bring you up to speed in the coming weeks.
Great to be in touch again.